Have you ever realized that
wandering across the meadows is way
better than wandering in the whirlpool of our own thoughts ? Quite often there
ought to be few getaways in the itinerary of life. It is a means of blossoming
or in actual terms, rejuvenating ourselves amidst our daily chores and
indulgements. Quite recently, I did manage to find my own getaway for the
weekend , thanks to an organized trip with colleagues and seniors. Unaware of
what was in store for us, we definitely did seek a host of activities
following us through our trip. There was this trip to Chail, a heavenly abode
about 44 kms from Shimla. We had anticipated a resort stay lined up
with few activities and a trek for sure. What we had missed out on, was that
its not the destination, but the journey that matters more. While I had signed
up for it, I didn’t have even a shred of feeling that it would eventually be
a time turner. We all were quite enthusiastic on the day of the trip. Almost half—a-century
of our office folks were accommodated in 2 buses and we headed for our journey
in the evening around 7. While we picked up seats for ourselves and set into
motion, we realized that the shackles had been removed and we were
in for some fun. The team spirit was jutting out more than ever. Initially,
there were the usual components quintessential for every Indie outing,
viz. Dumb Charades and Antakshri. The emerging talents and the
not-even-a-bit-of talents were traced as Antakshri proceeded and brought about
the glorious 70s, 80s and 90s as well.
It was followed by brilliant enactments involving us and our teamies in
Dumb Charades wherein people resorted to all sorts of means to blurt out their
imagination. Besides, one could enhance their IQ on never-heard-ever-before
sort of movies like “Bichhoo tattiya “ and some others, quite tough to spell
out. The jovial attitude continued through the evening and other indulgements
followed. While the music soared high (Many Thanks to the CEOs of JBL and
Heinekien ), and bottles were swished in the air , folks let themselves out
and danced their way through the night. While the buses stopped for dinner @
Murthal, both the active and inactive lot savored Butter-Wale-Parathas
like never before. To top it all, There was this ongoing Bhangra in the
frontyard which got everyone on their toes. The decibels of joy got enhanced
for everyone out there. Thereafter we got ourselves back in the bus and
exhausted as we were, few of us dozed off and the rest were all set to carry
the frolic further. As midnight advanced further to give way to dawn, there
were murmers and hostel gossips which finally got me to sleep @ 3 and brace for
the day ahead. It was 7 in the morning when we woke up in a bed of clouds about
15 kms from Chail. The mind took turns to delve into the fact probably more
than the bus as we marched ahead uphill via the valley roads. It was a chilly
rainy morn wherein the clouds rendered an opaque view altogether; and we could
not look into the valley. I figured, maybe bollywood could pick up the location for lets say 1920 evil
returns part 20 ...

While the cold breeze gushed across our cheeks through
the window, it was more exhilarating than ever. I don’t remember longing for anything else at the moment. As we reached the destination, it started raining heavily and temperature further soared lower. We fit ourselves into the vehicle from the resort and were led into a narrow lane downhill circumscribed by pine trees finally to the resort. It was on a stepped terrain with each room being accommodated at a different elevation. With an umbrella in one hand and our bags on the other, it was an equivalent trek for us to reach our rooms climbing our way through the rocky slope.
As we stepped into our rooms, it was quite
cozy with an extra large bed, seating areas and heaters. We rushed and
freshened ourselves and just got ready for breakfast. The one thing bothering
everyone at that moment were the rains. We could not possibly step out in the
freezing cold exaggerated because of the rains and execute the beeline of activities planned including
the trek. Our moods quite got damped possibly by a damping factor of 25 %.
However, the spirit of togetherness kindled our hopes and got us to somehow have fun. Post Breakfast,
we took photographs of the picturesque view across the hillside. Just when we
thought that it wont get any better, a congregation was planned in the resort
across the hall. While it was raining outside, we indulged in a game of musical
chair and hurdles which kept us engaged late in the morning. It was followed by
dancing and booze in the hall. everyone seemed busy with their own agenda. It
continued fairly till lunch followed by some time off in our rooms. We decided
to venture ahead with the trek inspite of the rains.Few of us were wasted, and
lay in their rooms oblivious to the intriguing weather outside. The rest of us
went for the trek at 3 in the afternoon.we marched across the muddy lanes
uphill with an umbrella in one hand, gossiping all the way to the top of the
Even then, people seeked out their “Energy Drink” enroute.
Just as we perched on the top of the mountain, there was not a single soul who
wasn’t awed by the floating bed of cloud
cover draping the mountains . The temple at the top was like a fortress lined
with White marble leading us into a serene and divine atmosphere which swept us
off our feet. Gusts of cold wind took one of our umbrellas and we had to hold
on tight not to be swept ourselves. Having spent about half an hour in the
temple, we returned back following the trail to our resort by evening. The sun
finally set giving way to darkness and stillness all around. It reinforced the
feel of “1920: Evil returns” all along. We went all cozy in our rooms and had a
girls’ evening with UNO to keep us busy then. The itinerary included a musical
DJ night late in the evening which we eagerly looked forward to. As we went for
the event, the guys had already helped themselves with their share of whiskeys
and started dancing. It was fun shaking a leg with the peers and besties
and getting on with the customary Naagin
dance and other Bollywood numbers. Party was in the air and everyone seemed to
sink in the music at the dead end of the night. It was followed by a sumptuous
dinner and dessert. While we were heading back to our rooms, we happened to
come across two of our friends and wished to explore the hilly lawns and
gardens across the resort. It was just the five of us in the darkness of the
night amidst the flickering street lights and a mysterious nightguard. It was
then that the trifling noises led to a spark of imagination and horror stories
emerged out of nowhere, involving ghosts and wild animals in the dark. It was
hell lot of scary a well as fun exploring the routes and several quarters in
the resort. The tranquility surrounding us was both soothing as well as scary
at the same time. However, I was absolutely positive about one thing, that my
unconditional love for the mountains seemed to have elevated further.It would
definitely be missed the very next day. After spending time at the common hall,
all of us had our eyelids drooping fast, and were off to bed by 2 am. The very
next morning, while I drew the curtains, everything seemed quite foggy and
while the clouds swam across and cleared the path, one could see monkeys perched on the top of the houses
which gave an impression that finally, the rains had indeed subsided,
ironically when we were supposed to leave that day. Inspite of that, there were
lots to carry along, down the memory lane. It was not only an excursion, rather
a fresh breath of air, and also an ice breaking session for all of us. We
indeed had gotten along and reinforced our friendships and relationships to
carry them along, in our journey ahead. Life is too short to burden ourselves
with not-so-positive vibes and complications. The mountains indeed provide a
clear indication on that. We need to be consistent and tranquil in mind come
whatever may.

Tataya Bichoo was the best part..
ReplyDeleteAmazing... Rejuvenated the thought and emotion of being there. We can all remember that moment with these words.