Right mix of chalk and challenges

Walking across the fields,
watching the tulips stir;
I  smile on the hues in my life,                                                                                                                 

because of you teacher......

Quite often, while we sit down to introspect on a diverse array of events, we realize that they are basically an outcome of permutations carried out all along. Had we moved the pawn, there would have been an altogether different scenario. But then, we went for the queen and landed up in this cell. Alas! If I had a different move, I would have gotten into something better. What we fail to realize is that life is too short for self-accusation. But few of our lot are lucky enough to have someone who has our back at the end of the day. For Building castles in reality, we need someone who does the groundwork for us. While we said this to ourselves, God eavesdropped on us and sent us, our teachers. Their presence graces our lives and streamlines it to a specific dimension. There is no denial of the fact, that life is the best teacher. However, it’s a luxury to have them in our lives to help us sail through all the seas of trials and complexities. The concept of “Guru” extolled in the ancient texts of Hinduism, has been passed on across generations and while continue to have an impact in our lives till the close. Personally, I feel having quite a fortune to meet some extraordinary people in my life who not just imparted wisdom, but helped me see perspective and purpose in several arenas. There are times, when we go astray and budge from our line, its then that they help us see reason and deal with things, selflessly. It only impacts us when we delve into the depths of every word uttered by them. It need not necessarily be someone from your academics, rather, it could also be someone who paved the way for you and held your hand when you were too scared to walk through. I remembered having met someone in college, who happened to be a magnificent teacher. However, there was much ado about him being strict and unreasonable. Basically, I am a person who goes by my instincts rather than preconceived notions. I had this unstoppable desire to learn from him because of his greatness and not-to-forget depth of knowledge. Frightened though I was, I mustered up the courage to walk down to him to ask him to take me as a student although there were students rather more graced with talent than me. I had cold feet when I opened the door to his cabin with my friend. Staring up halfway through his glasses, he looked at us and invited us in.  We talked him through our objectives and topics and he guided us through the possibilities and way of working alongside him. I felt pretty confident and excited then at the extent of acquiring knowledge awaiting me.  Day by day, as I started working with him, I realized that it felt pretty easy accomplishing things under his guidance. He didn’t let us stumble across, rather held out a hand when we were about to. Be it any coflict in decision or contrary opinions,he guided through all the time.Each and every word of his seemed a hymn from the holy books.There are only a handful of people who introduce us to our inner self and our capabilities and possibilities. It was the first time when I tasted success and topped the seminars eventually. I realized the power of faith that your teacher has on you and the power of belief that we have on them. But then, there were times when I budged from my track and disappointed him. But unlike others, he didn’t ever give up on me. Rather, he strived hard to help me get the step and that was something which motivated me to get the best out of me.He devoted more of his time to herald success in my endeavours. We rarely appreciate the magic wands that our teachers swish across to create a spell and change our lives at the expense of their own valuable time and efforts .Of course, some of us do not get the luxury of the same. However, the best thing I would suggest in this teachers’ day, is to be the person that our Reverred Gurus envision us to be, embody the qualities and virtues and scale our own Everest in life.
Happy Teachers day !!!!!!!!          






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